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Formed in 2006, the National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) is an umbrella organization of state and regional alfalfa seed and alfalfa hay associations, genetic suppliers, seed marketers, and allied industry members dedicated to promoting the interests of the nation's alfalfa, alfalfa seed, and forage producers through education, research, promotion, and advocacy.

NAFA's primary focus is issue advocacy and policy development/implementation in all areas affecting the alfalfa seed and forage industry such as federal research funding, farm policy, agricultural coexistence, crop insurance, environmental regulation, and biotechnology.

NAFA educational activities focus on its highly respected and popular Alfalfa Intensive Training Seminar, held each fall and featuring the latest information with regard to genetics, varieties, seed production, growth and development, soils, fertility, management, and a host of other topics intended to give participants the knowledge they need to make the most of their alfalfa investment.

NAFA is governed by a 27 member board of directors which includes alfalfa seed and forage producers, university researchers, and representatives from allied industry organizations who guide the direction of NAFA activities.